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This is of interest...

Mayor Annise Parker asked the Houston attorneys to subpoena 5 local Houston churches for sermons that contained her name and anything to do with homosexuality. Interesting bit of news if you ask me. It...

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Another fence jumper at the White House

Ok, enough is enough. What are we doing. Granted the Secret Service did what they were supposed to do, and that was to stop him within 10 or 12 feet. However, why should they even get 10 or 12 feet?The...

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So the GOP won the Senate, what does it mean?

Alright so the GOP won control of the house (in January), what do it mean for you and I?I am not thinking a whole lot if you ask me. Listen to the rhetoric being spewed already. There are those saying...

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The AR-15 and those that fear it.

Recently the law firm Koskoff,Koskoff & Bieder filed a suit against Riverview Gun Sales, Freedom Group and Camfour, for wrongful death, related to the Sandy Hook shooting. They are stating that the...

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What is next for America and the GOP in charge?

Ok so the GOP is going to have control of the House and Senate. What does that really mean? Are they going to focus on job creation, the economy, all of the above? God I hope so, but I have a feeling...

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Same-Sex Marriage

So it's been a while since I have posted anything. Why you may ask. Well I have not felt that there has been anything worth discussing. It has been the same crap over and over again. The Republicans...

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Need more positive thinking...

So just what does this nation need right now. It needs more positive thinking. Why do we all feel it is hopeless? Why do we feel nothing will ever change in Washington D.C.? Simple reason is everyone...

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Why are there no jobs?

It is pure and simple. The answer is GREED!Businesses are keeping more profits and making their operations more streamlined. What does streamlined mean? It means more efficient. It means more...

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Undocumented Immigrants?

I get that we are a nation of immigrants. However, when did it become legal to just come here and live, since immigration laws were created? The other question I have is, if someone immigrates to the...

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What is Gun Control all about?

So what is gun control all about. Most would tell you it is to keep guns out of the hands out of criminals hands.  Let's understand just one simple fact. Criminals are not going to you local gun dealer...

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